STAMP Theatre and Media Productions CIC., develops innovative art and arts events inspired by cutting edge research from academics in the UK and across the world. We work with a broad range of artists and creatives from all areas of performance and the visual arts to create multi-media and live events.
By using primary qualitative research as a springboard for each production, we create artwork to share insight and encourage debate. Our productions aim to engage and inspire audiences in a broad range of contexts and stimulate debate.
Based in Coventry, in the heart of England, we work with academics and community-based organisations worldwide. It is the synergy of Artistic Director Claudette Bryanston, Executive Director Professor Gillian Hundt, Creative Producer Edward Dyer and Director Professor Christine Harrison, that enables our collaborations. Together we create memorable performance, installations and films.
Latest News
- Introducing our new play: INSIDEPost written by Claudette Bryanston A new play by Alexandra Johnson, produced by STAMP Theatre and Media Productions CIC: INSIDE. The story of Ray a Drag artist and his Coventry Irish Mother who has dementia. Ray just wants to go out. His mother doesn’t want to stay in. They’re both trapped INSIDE. Why this play?… Read More »Introducing our new play: INSIDE
- Artist in Residence: CyanobacteriaArtist Ben Nash www.benjacknash.com is based in Strasbourg and London. He is currently in residence for just one week with Professor Orkun Soyer and his team from Life Sciences at The University of Warwick. Ben is using the time, offered by Life Sciences to support his artistic practice with a view to this informing a… Read More »Artist in Residence: Cyanobacteria
- STAMP helps raise over £1,000 for charityFollowing our popular Hidden History of the Jewish Watchmakers of the 19th and 20th centuries event in March, we delved deeper into our local stories to shape the afternoon. STAMP productions supported Earlsdon Park Retirement Village to produce their own event of Migration Stories. Stories covered the Kindertransport, and migration from Europe to the UK… Read More »STAMP helps raise over £1,000 for charity